Shoe Laces Length Guide : How do I determine the length of my VANS sneaker shoelaces?

What is the length of VANS shoe laces?
See our collection of VANS shoelaces.
A question that has been asked plenty of times but resulting in no definite answer. VANS primarily has 3 models of sneakers in their product line, the ERA, OLD SCHOOL and SK8-HI. All three of them bear similar looks but the lace length of each model is different.
The VANS Era silhouette has 5 pairs of eyelets, with the spacing between each pair of eyelets increasing as you approach the ones closest to your ankle. For the ERA model, I would recommend a 100CM pair of shoelaces if you want to tie a reasonably sized knot.
The VANS Old School, has either 7 or 8 pairs of eyelets. Similar to the ERA silhouette, the spacing between eyelets increases as you approach the ankles. For those with 7 pairs of eyelets, I would recommend a 120CM pair of laces to tie a reasonably sized knot.
For those with 8 pairs of eyelets, I would recommend 140CM laces. However, if you are planning to only use 7 pairs of eyelets, please purchase the 120CM laces.
The recommended length for the SK8-HI is definitely the longest as the spacing between eyelets is larger than the ones on the OLD SCHOOL and there are a total of 8 pairs of eyelets. The recommended length for SK8-HI is 140CM laces.
In conclusion, if you are looking to purchase shoelaces for your VANS sneakers, please buy the following length.
ERA - 100CM
OLD SCHOOL - 120CM (for 7 pairs of eyelets) and 140CM (for 8 pairs of eyelets)
SK8-HI - 140CM
Slickieslaces provides a wide variety of VANS shoelaces and if you are looking to purchase replacement laces for your VANS, hit up to check out our awesome collection.